Thursday, April 15, 2010


WHERE    HAVE    YOU    BEEN?!?!!!

It has been so long since I have posted anything I had to think "okay, now what do I do??"  Let me just tell you about my chaos!  I am pretty sure that I have been out of this studio more than I have been in due to SENIORS!!!!! and location shots because the weather has just been BEAUTIFUL!!.  So, in between seniors, toddlers, seniors, toddlers, newborns, toddlers, newborns I have been TRYING to sit and edit.  Oh, did I mention me not feeling good and the Dr sending me to rest for a couple days because my blood pressure has gone stupid on me! yeah, well add that to my chaos! haha and then there are the house building dilemma's  (always excitement:) So, I am just going to be honest and tell you!!............
I"M BEHIND  (as I hear the UGHHH!!!! from everyone  that is waiting on their proofs)  But ,I will tell you THEY LOOK GREAT!! haha  Hang in there for me ; maybe you will get a surprise :)

So,  these sessions were taken a few weeks back but thought I needed to post some and show you all the cuteness I get to see on a daily basis.  I will share.... ..I am not stingy (most of the time).

This first one is sooo funny!!  if you only knew how much this little one hates to where hats or headbands it is almost like she is saying "mama when I turn 1 there is not going to be NO MORE of this hat stuff" haha
Whew!  that is a whole lot of cuteness!!! is it not??

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