Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Okay, so there is no telling how many of you have tried calling over the past week.  No,  my phone has not been off the hook!  lol.  I have lost Internet and phone privileges  :).  But Suddenlink promises to give them back to me very soon.  Well,  they haven't  completely taken it away..... it comes and goes but mostly goes haha. So, if you have been trying to get in touch please keep trying, you can also try to send me an email and I will have Kelly check for me.  And this image is totally how I have felt these past few day! 


Suddenlink Help said...

Hi Brandi,

My name is Tina and I am with Suddenlink. Has your service been restored? Feel free to contact me directly at for assistance.

Unknown said...

Hi Tina. I am a little late seeing this but yes they were great. Thanks for asking. :)